October 7, 2024

January 9, 2022

  • I like to write words
    Words without meaning
    And words with hidden meanings
    I want to say things to people
    But hide behind a disguise
    Of jumbled words
    I pretend to know things about things
    And say things like I know what things mean
    But really my words are just fingers
    Fingers of my thoughts
    Extensions of my heart
    Reaching out
    To touch another soul
    The words have no meaning
    Yet the thought behind them is a simple gesture
    Intended to extend an embrace
    from my soul to yours

    Let this day embrace you and swirl your words into endless meanings.

January 5, 2019

  • 2019 it's been a while


    I could fly away with you

    You lift my heart

    Make my soul sing

    The world seems so small

    When we are high above it all

    May God's love be with you



January 11, 2016

May 21, 2015

May 2, 2015

  • The Artists Cave Grand Opening

    On Saturday May 9th we will be celebrating the grand opening of The Artists Cave!

    It has been a lot of work getting ready, not just painting and framing works, but also building walls and installing lights and so on!

    I know it is going to be worth all the effort.

    Maybe afterwards I will have a little more time for Xanga.

April 17, 2015

March 14, 2015

February 23, 2015

  • Theism

    A fundamental problem with many theists, is we like to argue against nature. We oppose natural law, natural order, natural processes. Forgetting all the while, God created nature. Arguing against nature is like arguing against God. Embrace God. Embrace the truth.


    Go outside and hug a snowdrift.