May 2, 2015
The Artists Cave Grand Opening
On Saturday May 9th we will be celebrating the grand opening of The Artists Cave!
It has been a lot of work getting ready, not just painting and framing works, but also building walls and installing lights and so on!
I know it is going to be worth all the effort.
Maybe afterwards I will have a little more time for Xanga.
Comments (18)
Sounds like a fun time! I should visit more often.
How exciting!!!! Yes - we need to see photo's or paintings or photo's of paintings...
Best Wishes for a great event!
@slmret: all of my xanga addresses have vanished. I will just wait. sorry
@HUMOR_ME_NOW: If you send Eugenia a copy of your PayPal receipt, it will speed up the process.
HI,I used Xangas PayPal to pay the $46, but my account is still unsubscribed. I assume it takes time for the money to hit the Xanga bank.
That is why I am not posting.
Artists Cave sounds great!!! Nice going.
How exciting! Congrats! I know it will be a success!
Sounds interesting!
Congratulations. Please post some pictures of your grand opening.
Congratulations, John! I know you have wanted this and worked for it for a long time. Enjoy the Grand Opening and I wish you success in the long term.
May 9th! I'll have to tell my son to visit.
I'll tell my son to stop in and visit once it's open.
How exciting! I do hope to come visit and see it in person someday. You would of course have to post the address first. I hope you have a good turnout and all goes without a hitch.
Fantastic, John! I wish you great success with this project. I know you have worked so hard to bring all this together. Hat off to you.
Looking forward to seeing photos of the Artists Cave!
Photos! You must post photos on xanga!!! Congratulations on the Grand Opening - I'm sure it will be a hit!
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