May 6, 2014

  • There is no God

    There is only God

    We live in a world filled with many questions, many beliefs, many unexplained phenomena and many undiscovered secrets.

    There are as many diverse approaches to solving life's riddles as there are riddles to be solved. Ultimately though, there are only two questions that we constantly seek answers to. Why? and How? How, begets scientific inquiry  with our analytical minds conducting experiments, making observations, surveying the compiled data and arriving at conclusions. Why, on the other hand opens a philosophical can of worms.

    The mundane experiences of life are often overlooked by those inquisitive individuals. Their higher intellectual functions are focused on matters of greater relevance, to them. I contend that it is the mundane experiences in fact that truly define the nature of all that exists in the universe. What matters to matter, matters to all. Without common elements, engaged in common interactions there could be no uncommon experiences to be in awe at.

    And so I ponder this thought, "Does thought itself exist without the biological construct of the brain." If so, how can it exist? Are my thoughts, that I have written here still thoughts after I have deceased and my brain ceases to function? Do the thoughts still exist if no other being is capable of reading them? How is thought itself related to the existence of God?

    Do other animals think? What else is capable of thought besides animals? What is self awareness? Is a cat self aware? Are all people self aware? Is a tree self aware? How do we know if something is self aware, if it can not communicate? Can we assume that self awareness does not exist if there is no ability to communicate?

    I was taught that we have 4 taste sensations; sweet, salty, bitter and sour. A cat can not taste sweetness. Which leads to the question, What other flavors exist that we can not taste? If there is a flavor we cannot taste what else can we not know? How limited then is our consciousness? How can we say there is no God? How can we say that there is or is not a God merely because we can not sense One? If there is a God, how can there be anything else but God? Perhaps our definition of God is inaccurate.

    Yet there are those who cannot sense God. So in their perception there is no God, just as to the cat there is no sweetness. What else exists beyond our perception that which we can not know yet that still exists and is good? How do we come to know these things?

    This answer I know.

    By never giving up. By never stopping seeking to answer the two great questions, How? and Why?

Comments (8)

  • One of the wonderful things about having a brain is we can think, ask questions, seek answers...and it's even more wonderful that we have a we can feel and understand.
    I think everyone has to decide for themselves.

  • It's up to the individual person....Is there really a God? Most generally everyone says, yes....But there are those who say no....

    We are given an ability to choose....Choose God, or don't....

    Believe in Him or not....I choose to believe...

  • And here I thought the two questions were: When? and Where?!

    I await his coming with upturned face and open arms.

    Sail on... sail on!!!

  • Just recently I had heard similar discussion on NPR about the hows and the whys of existence and thought process. I love the way you think.
    It is totally up to the individual who has that prodigious and unshakeable faith, to believe that what we cannot see, hear or taste, there is The One, who knows and makes it possible for animate and inanimate objects to feel and see and taste.

  • good luck with questions.

    My grandson is 4 yrs old now and he asks lots of questions.

  • Serious questions. The more I learn the less I know. Knowledge has the nasty habit of creating more questions than answers! It is an interesting question - are there things we cannot see? Are there voices we cannot hear? Are those individuals that have the ability to see and hear and taste and smell those things outside the range of human senses really crazy or are they just gifted/cursed??

  • I am clearly not intellectual. I was a Business Administration major in college and was born into a family business. I had to take other subjects like philosophy, biology, physics, botany, history, English literature, etc. I hated all of it especially philosophy. The professor asked us to write out our philosophy of life and made no mention of God. I was an agnostic at the time, but disagreed with him. Religious students protested, but he would not relent.

    Thinking about God. Does or does he not exist.. I don't know of any way to prove it either way.

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